Introducing the Rosmarins Cottages in Monroe, N.Y.
Hello! We've set up this website to introduce you to something that we really love: the Rosmarins Cottages bungalow colony in Monroe, N.Y., where we spend our summers (or sometimes just our summer weekends).
It's open from Memorial Day through Labor Day: a collection of 100 small, whitewashed cottages in a bucolic setting just over one hour from New York City.
The same family has owned the colony since 1942 and things feel like they haven't changed very much since then. There's a lake and a pool, screened-in porches, tree-swings and a day camp for the kids. What's missing? PLAYDATES, because the kids just run around (when they're not in camp) — safely — all day. The way kids used to.
A bungalow rental fee starts at about $5,000 each summer and you can rent the same bungalow year after year (and keep your stuff in it over the winter).
We love the place because it's old-fashioned, low-key and unpretentious. The Hamptons it's not. Okay, so the bungalows (one- and two-bedroom) are kind of small. If you're looking for marble countertops and spa-style bathrooms, you will be disappointed. But if you're looking for a lot of grass where your kids can play, your hotdogs can grill and your friends can visit for a hammock kind of day, you may want to check it out.
This is a multi-generational, family place. Historically, it has been a mostly Jewish community, but it is quite secular and all denominations will feel comfortable. Some families have been coming for generations — there are several grandparents whose children now rent their own bungalows with THEIR children. People come from all five boroughs and the suburbs, too. (Florida, too!)
It's an informal place with lots of spontaneous pot-luck barbeque dinners. Sitting on lawn chairs while noshing is the de facto behavior pattern.
We think of it as our little slice of paradise. Maybe you will, too. If you'd like to, contact us at